Automated Regression Testing with Appium

In a new era, mobile application development is a fast-paced field where frequent updates and feature improvements are the norm. With every code modification, there is a possibility of introducing new bugs or breaking current functionalities. To make certain the reliability and excellence of your mobile applications in this modern landscape, automated regression testing becomes obligatory. Let’s delve into the world of automated regression testing to address these queries.

Understanding Automated Regression Testing:

Regression testing is a quality assurance practice that verifies whether new code changes have unfavorably affected the current functionalities of an application.  The automation regression process mainly uses test scripts, workflow, and other methods within a regression testing technique. It certifies that your application remains bug-free and unfailing, even as it undergoes continuous updates and development.

Regression tests can be categorized into different forms, such as selective regression testing, non-functional regression testing, functional regression testing, and complete regression testing. Every single type serves a particular purpose in confirming the overall software stability.

Who Needs Automated Regression Testing?

Automated regression tests are perfectly suitable for QA teams due to their repetitive nature. Manual regression test execution is rarely favored as it is both inefficient and expensive. To determine if your team should implement automated regression testing in your project, check the following points:

  • Repeatability– Automated testing is highly repeatable owing to its predictable and consistent performance. Moreover, there is no requirement for a QA team to run fresh regression testing anytime a new release is out. For companies with frequent app updates, manual regression testing would be a challenge as it demands the testing team’s extra time and resources. Automation eliminates the need for human resources to perform continuous test iterations.
  • Zero human supervision– Automated regression testing allows QA managers to smartly assign responsibilities to team members. Besides, as no human involvement is required during automated sessions, testing can go on constantly 24/7. This approach can significantly reduce the testing time and provide the team with deep insights as the test session was uninterrupted.
  • Stability- When performing manual tests, a QA team has to depend on the expertise of each professional involved. The approach a tester selects their concentration level and knowledge, and can adversely impact the results of manual regression tests. Introducing automated regression provides more reliability.
  • Increased test coverage– Automated testing lets QA engineers run more and more tests and assess the system comprehensively. An increased testing session allows them to comprehensively assess every single aspect of the system over an extended duration. Therefore, the test coverage surpasses what a team of manual QA testers can accomplish.

Introduction to Appium

Appium is a free automated framework for mobile applications. It allows you to automate testing on various platforms, including Android and iOS, using a single API. Appium’s extensive community support and cross-platform compatibility make it the most preferred choice amongst mobile app testers. QA experts can make use of multiple programming languages such as Ruby, Python, Java, and C#, allowing them to work with their ideal language for test development.

Why Appium for Automated Regression Testing?

Appium is the most preferred test automation framework for mobile apps. It supports both iOS and Android platforms, making it incredibly versatile for mobile app tests. Appium is an ideal choice for automated regression testing for multiple compelling reasons:

  1. Open Source: It is an open-source automation framework, making it accessible and lucrative for companies of different sizes. Its open nature fosters a collaborative community of QA specialists and developers, resulting in regular updates and enhancements
  2. Cross-Platform Compatibility: It supports both iOS and Android platforms, making it a versatile selection for regression testing across various OSs. This cross-platform compatibility reorganizes the testing procedures and reduces the necessity for individual testing frameworks.
  3. Single Codebase: Using this tool, you can write test scripts using a separate codebase that works flawlessly on both iOS and Android devices. This eradicates the requirement to maintain separate test scripts for every platform, saving extra effort and time.
  4. Real Device and Simulator/ Emulator Testing: Appium provides the flexibility for testing on real emulators, physical devices, or simulators. This adaptability enables you to generate a distinct test environment and emulate real-world circumstances.
  5. Hybrid, Native, and Mobile Web Apps: It caters to several forms of mobile apps, counting hybrid, native, and mobile web applications. This comprehensive support makes certain that you can test various application categories within a unified framework.
  6. CI/CD Integration: It can also be flawlessly incorporated into your CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment pipelines. This allows automated regression testing to perform automatically whenever there are code modifications, promoting early bug detection.

Get started with Automated Regression testing using Appium

Now, let us dive into a step-by-step process with automated regression testing via Appium.

Step 1: Install Appium & Dependencies

Before you can commence using Appium, you must set up your development environment setting. Here are the crucial steps:

  • Install npm (Node Package Manager) and Node.js in case if you haven’t already. You can download them from the official site.
  • Install Appium by making use of npm. Open your terminal & run:

npm install -g appium

Install Appium’s dependencies for iOS and Android. You can find comprehensive instructions in the approved documentation.

Step 2: Connect a Testing Device

To perform testing with Appium, you require a test device. This can be either an emulator/simulator or a physical device. Connect the gadget to your development machine and ensure it is recognized.

Step 3: Write Your First Test Script

Now that your setting is set up and your device is linked, it is time to write your first test script. You can make use of any code editor or IDE (integrated development environment) of your choice.

Here is an easy example of an Appium test script in JavaScript that launches an application:

const { driver, capabilities } = require(“appium”);

const assert = require(“assert”);

async function main() {

const appiumDriver = await driver(capabilities);

await appiumDriver.setImplicitTimeout(10000);

const element = await appiumDriver.element(“accessibility id”, “SomeElement”);


const text = await element.getText();

assert.strictEqual(text, “Expected Text”);

await appiumDriver.deleteSession();



This script imports the essential Appium modules, launches an application, interacts with a component, and runs an assertion.

Step 4: Run Your Test

To run the test script, implement it using Node.js:

node your-test-script.js

If everything is set up appropriately, Appium will launch the application on your test emulator or device and execute the test steps.

Step 5: Review Test Outcomes

After the test run, you can review the outcomes to check if any assertions failed or if there were any glitches. Appium gives detailed logs to assist you in diagnosing any issues.

Almost Done! You have taken your prime steps into the automated regression testing world with Appium.

Which other automated tools can be used for Regression Tests?

Automated regression testing is a game-changer for software testing teams, the great news is that automating regression testing does not have to be daunting, thanks to a collection of third-party tools existing in the market.

Some of the famous tools that are broadly used are:

  • Seleniumis an open-source test automation project that offers various libraries and tools to support browser automation. It supports multiple scripting languages such as Ruby, Java, PHP, JS, C++, etc. It can easily be incorporated with famous frameworks such as Ant, Maven, etc.
  • TestNG: TestNG is inspired by NUnit and JUnit. TestNG has been perfectly designed in such a way that it covers an extensive range of test categories: functional, unit, integration, as well as E2E, with simple-to-use functionalities.
  • REST Assured: It is a framework built for REST service authentication in Java and uses Java Libraries. In this case, the Java library acts like a headless client to act upon the Rest web solutions, and they are also adept at validating the HTTP responses from the server.
  • Jenkins: It is an open-source automation server. Jenkins assists in automating the sections of software development that are related to setting up, testing, and deploying. It also facilitates continuous delivery and continuous integration.
  • LambdaTest: LambdaTest is an AI-powered test orchestration and test execution platform that complements your automated regression test efforts.

Here’s some of the crucial reasons why LambdaTest is a valued addition to your regression testing toolkit:

  • Cross-Platform and Cross-Browser Testing: LambdaTest enables you to perform cross browser testing across an extensive suite of browsers, browser versions, and OSs. Make certain your web apps function perfectly for all users, regardless of their selection of platform or browser.
  • Parallel Testing: Save time and accelerate your QA test process by performing tests in parallel across multiple devices and browsers simultaneously. LambdaTest’s cloud-centric infrastructure makes parallel tests efficient and easy.
  • Integration with Appium: LambdaTest flawlessly incorporates with Appium for mobile app tests. You can perform your Appium scripts on LambdaTest’s real-time mobile emulators and devices to confirm comprehensive regression testing.
  • Interactive Testing: You can run interactive tests by remotely controlling real-time devices and browsers. Debug problems in real time and make certain your web apps deliver a seamless and smooth user experience.
  • Automated Screenshot Testing: You can capture automated screenshots of pages across multiple browsers and observe visual variances rapidly. Detect and address any User Interface discrepancies early in the software testing process.
  • CI/CD Integration: You can incorporate LambdaTest into your CI/CD pipelines to automate regression tests on each code modification. Make sure that your web apps remain consistent and bug-free throughout app development.
  • Scalability: LambdaTest delivers a scalable testing environ, letting you run tests on-demand and manage increased testing loads smoothly.
  • Test Logs and Reports: Access test logs and reports to track test implementation, identify failures, and team up with your group for issue resolution.

Advantages of Automated Regression Testing:

Continuous regression testing delivers various rewards in terms of development efficiency and software quality:

  1. Early Bug Detection
  2. Faster Time to Market
  3. Enhanced Collaboration
  4. Enhanced Reliability and Stability

Final Verdicts

Overall, automated regression testing with Appium is a crucial practice for certifying the continued reliability and quality of mobile apps. It empowers development and QA teams to detect, and address issues promptly, minimize technical debt and maintain user satisfaction.

By detecting and addressing issues early in the development procedure, you can deliver top-quality mobile applications that drive success in the competitive app market. Hence, leverage Appium, embrace automation, and keep your applications at their best! Also, take your automated regression testing to the next level with LambdaTest and make sure your web applications remain responsive for all your users.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can I use Appium for testing hybrid, native, and mobile web apps?

A: Yes, it is suitable for testing several forms of mobile apps, counting hybrid apps (combining native and web elements), native apps (built particularly for a platform), and mobile web apps (web apps accessed through a mobile browser).

  • How can I handle changing UI and dynamic elements in my Appium test scripts?

Appium provides strategies to deal with dynamic User Interface elements, comprising XPath and several element locators. You can also make use of methods like using exceptional identifiers for dynamic elements or waiting for elements to become accessible.

  • What are the most common challenges in Appium regression testing, and how can they be overcome?

Common challenges in Appium tests might include handling different device configurations, setting up the testing environment, and addressing platform-centric issues. Such challenges can be overcome through proper device selection, cautious environment setup, and guidance leveraging the Appium community & documentation.

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