How to Create a Location Pin Map for your Business

Pin Map – When turning your location data into a comprehensive map, mapping software can offer a powerful visualization otherwise lost in spreadsheets. Maps with pins can provide a decent starting point, but measuring marker density is essential. Finding a third-party program that can help you build a solid foundation of your data through different map functionalities can interpret complex data without bogging down the map with irrelevant details.

What is a Pin Map?

The pin map is commonly called a dot distribution map. This location mapping is a visualization for businesses that take location data and automatically plot the details on the map as an individual marker. Pin maps hold many applications, including:

–         Identifying various real estate or commercial prospects by individual category

–         Visualizing different store locations or customer addresses

–         Labeling the different steps within your supply chain

–         Pushing large amounts of data within a map, often used for research purposes

Many programs allow users to build cluster maps if they’re working with expansive data sets. A cluster map is a variation of pin maps that individual aggregate pins, organizing busy maps into a more visually accessible format.

Look for a program that allows pop-up text boxes with additional information that appears when interacting with the marker. The pop-up text boxes should remain customizable, allowing information like name, salesperson, websites, and addresses.

How to Create a Pin Map

Dropping pins on a map to illustrate your data shouldn’t be difficult. The pins will help determine hot spots in the information or allow time-lapsed analysis over time. The pins could become essential for mapping out patterns or clarifying areas of weakness within the organization. Develop actionable insights for the company’s marketing department, personal adventures, or research projects.

Register with a third-party mapping software you’re comfortable with to create your dot distribution map. Create a copy of data for the business, including location-specific details and any other information you’d like to include. Once you’ve finished the spreadsheet, upload the file to your mapping software, or copy and paste the data.

Choose the create map option to populate the data for your new map. The map should automatically generate data from your spreadsheet. Customize the appearance of your map, analyze the data, or add a layer when you’re finished.

How to Add Additional Pins on the Map

After you create the map, adding new location data shouldn’t be complicated. Users should find mapping software that allows users to integrate new entries effortlessly, whether through manual input or by placing the marker directly on the map.

Input Address Information:

To input an entry manually, start by entering the address of the desired location directly into the map. Select the map now button to add a new pin. If you’d like to place another marker, choose the “Add Another Location” option from the dashboard.

Place Marker Directly:

If you’d like to add a new marker directly on the map, move your cursor to the location in question. Click the site and choose where you’d like to place the tag.

How to Customize the Pins on Your Map

After you create the initial map, there are many ways to customize the pins on your map so they look exactly the way you’d like. Many mapping programs will have these customization options for more straightforward functioning. Select the setting option on your map to customize your map and locate the map markers and graphics option. A dropdown sheet will appear to update the map.

 Additional Mapping Tools for Pin Maps

Grouping Tools

A grouping tool is critical for anyone using the standard dot distribution maps. When first uploading all the data, the pins will automatically generate the same color, making them difficult to differentiate. Use the grouping tool to bring color-coding to the map based on the pre-determined categories. These include organizing pins by location, sales representatives, or another custom attribute. The grouping function will automatically organize the pins according to your needs.

Filter Function

Consider using the filter tool when determining where your information stems from. This function will pare down your data to decide which insight you need at that particular moment. For instance, users can view all locations attached to one specific sales representative. The filter tool will only show results for your chosen distinct filtering options.

Establishing Boundary Maps

Opt for mapping software that allows territory or boundary creation if you want to see the data according to the boundary. This filtering function will take all entries and only show results from that boundary. As a result, users will view a granular aspect of data instead of deciphering which entry matches their requirements.

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