Ideal Kotlin Coder for Modern App Development

Many programming languages are used to develop web products today, so both businesses and coders are spoilt for choice. One of the modern languages you need to try is Kotlin. Since its first appearance in 2011, it has become a favorite for many developers. The creator behind Kotlin is JetBrains, a software firm headquartered in the Czech Republic. 

With the rise of mobile technology, the Kotlin language is also gaining more recognition. Modern Kotlin developers love the language because it is compatible with Java. So, if you are a Java expert, using Kotlin will be quite simple. Moreover, the language works well for Android applications and other web products.

Kotlin received public endorsement from Google in 2019 as the most preferred language for Android developers. Since then, it has become the go-to language for modern programmers. Apart from working across multiple platforms, you can use it to develop excellent web products. Besides, its cooperation with Java makes it more flexible and productive. 

Let’s get more insight into Kotlin and clarify why it is the ideal language for creating modern applications.

What Is Kotlin?

Kotlin is one of the most modern programming languages with less than a decade of history in the web development market. It functions across many platforms and is quite easy to learn because of the typed statistics logic. With the upsurge of mobile technology, most Android developers now enjoy using this language. It is object-oriented, functional, and stable. You can never go wrong when you opt to use Kotlin for building your business app.

turned on monitor displaying programming language

Credit: Unsplash 

Why You Need to Try Kotlin

When you want to develop an app and are unsure what language to use, Kotlin is the best option. It is well structured and classified as a general-purpose language. Let us explore some of the benefits that make it the first choice for developers:

Stable Solution 

As mentioned above, Kotlin is tested as an appropriate answer for Android projects. Google affirmed the statement in 2019 by endorsing the language. Kotlin developers are now in high demand as most companies develop android apps for global users. Today, big organizations like Netflix and Pinterest use Kotlin to develop various web products. By 2017, research revealed that more than 20% of applications in use were designed in this language. Therefore, Kotlin is indeed a stable and strong solution to creating stellar products. 

Few Bugs

When it comes to bugs, Kotlin functions impeccably. Unlike Java, developers write clean codes, which translate into fewer bugs. The language developers understood the frustrations of experiencing a crushed app. Thus they incorporated features that prevent bugs during compilation. For instance, the compiler feature can detect coding errors before the run session. Thus, you can trust Kolin to provide a clean coding experience without annoying errors. 

High Productivity 

Kotlin was developed by experts who wanted to create a modern and fast language. You can easily write codes using this language without any complications. The coding process is fast since Kotlin has an interactive syntax.

Apart from offering clean codes, Kotlin’s design has an agile approach. It means that your in-house team can also participate in the development process and support the project. 

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Less Code Writing

Developing software is a complicated process that involves writing codes. The developers often catch up in writing and fixing errors during the compilation phase. These distractions often delay project deployment. But with Kotlin, you will never experience long hours of writing and fixing the bugs. The codes are short and organized, giving you an exceptional experience. 

Mature Solution

Since its creation in 2011, Kotlin has enjoyed much popularity and growth. It is one of the most mature app development solutions in the market. Today, many developers use this language to build top-notch apps. Besides, JetBrains, the developer behind Kotlin, continues to add impressive features to enhance the language’s framework. Therefore, you can be sure of using a reliable, up-to-date coding tool. 

Java Compatibility

Even though Kotlin was envisioned as a replacement for Java, it is compatible with the language. If you know how to use Java, mastering Kotlin will be easy. Developers can write codes in Java and Kotlin simultaneously. This flexibility allows developers to access Java libraries with ease. 


Whether it is an Android or iOS platform, you can never go wrong with Kotlin. Its foundation is in Java, which is suitable for developing products that run on different devices. Even though Google named Kotlin the best choice for Android developers, it can still be used to build apps for multiple platforms.

Kotlin Is Worth Trying 

Technology is rapidly evolving with more advances, and Kotlin is one of the languages making a positive impact. It is a modern language becoming a must-have skill for many developers. Kotlin has proved to be a cutting-edge technology that results in impressive web products. 

All in all, Kotlin can be referred to as the ideal language for developing modern apps with its many benefits. So, if you want to build your business app, you can consider Kotlin. Your team will enjoy the entire experience and look forward to creating more top-tier products. 

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