What is Organic Search? – Definition, Position, Factors, and More

Organic Search Definition

Organic search comprises all individuals’ search results that produce by search engines’ algorithms.

Also, the algorithm determines by the search engine operator and can vary from one provider to the other.

Therefore, Google, Bing, or Yahoo’s search result pages are not necessarily the same for a specific search term.

And also, organic search differs from paid search in that position for paid search is only determined by how much the advertiser willing to pay for it.

How Influencing one’s position in the Organic Search?

  • One of the SEO goals to influence the website’s position in search engines and search result pages.
  • And still, it requires a lot of patience and work. There is no guarantee that the website and web page will rank in the top position for organic search.
  • According to the study, cost per project can range between 1000 to 7500 US dollars per website. And SEO agencies charge 76 to 200 US dollars per hour. However, its effort is worthwhile in many cases.
  • Also, Google Analytics expert once determined that around 86 percent of search engine users prefer organic search results.
  • Also, with the top ranking in search result pages. The website operators can achieve significantly more traffic than with paid ads, for example, with a Google AdWords campaign.
  • If one remains to attempts to obtain the same number of hits with the paid search, the costs might be many times higher than optimizing the organic search.
  • And the cost per click for SEO is generally much lower than for paid ads.

What Are Ranking Factors?

  • There are the factors that influence rankings. These include are:
  • Internal and external link structure,
  • And backlink structure,
  • And technical factors (such as length of URLs, load times),
  • Also, quality and structure of content,
  • It enhancement through media such as videos and images,
  • mobile optimization,
  • And HTTPS-encryption.
  • All available methods for optimizing rankings in organic search can roughly divide into two areas.
  • It also, On-page optimization and Off-page optimization. On-page optimization revolves around adjustments that complete our website.
  • It may affect the content, internal link structure, navigation, and loading speed. And for off-page optimization, elements outside the website itself optimize. Such as through targeted link building and activities in social media channels.

Why is the Importance of Search Engine Optimization?

  • Organic search is at the focus of all efforts in SEO. And achieving its goal is becoming increasingly difficult in the face of intense competition.
  • Also, Google changes its algorithms regularly so that search engine optimizers must respond quickly to retain ranking positions that remain previously achieved in the organic search.
  • Sometimes it’s necessary to reverse earlier SEO measures to avoid penalties. An example of this is the so-called “link removal.
  • It’s prevalent in the period right after the Google Penguin update in April 2012. And many web admins then had to submit reconsideration requests to have the penalty lifted.
  • And due to the increased enrichment of organic search results with images, the Knowledge Graph, and the search query’s orientation.
  • It is also extra challenging for web admins to achieve top results in search result pages. The distribution of paid ads varies widely.
  • But it depends on the keyword and search query, and the first four search results may be paid ads, meaning that even with the top ranking for the organic search, the website might only appear halfway down the page.

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