What is the definition of SEO?


  • SEO is the contraction that comes from the English expression search Engine Optimization.
  • It is the technique that consists of optimizing a website to achieve the best possible positioning in Internet search.


  • In other words, the site that respects the SEO criteria appears among the first results that a search engine returns to specific searches.
  • They translate in the site’s high number of visitors in question versus those who appear further behind in searches.
  • Suppose a user enters Google and searches the hotel. The first site looks on the first page of the results related to the Restaurant.
  • The location of these restaurants, therefore, has remain design according to SEO parameters.
  • On the other hand, sites that only appear on the eighth and ninth page of results, to name one possibility, do not respect SEO techniques.
  • In addition to all the above, it’s interesting that it is clear that there are two different types of SEO:

SEO Off -Site

SEO Off -Site

  • As its name already indicates, it is about that work that the person in charge of the SEO above carries out external aspects of its website.
  • Hence, the cost of studying and practical issues such as the number of links used and their quality.
  • The performance achieved in search results, the authority of the brand, the presence that you have in what are social networks.

SEO On-Site

  • On the other side, compared to the previous one, the work named in this way is the one that does concern itself with the page itself.
  • For this reason, the person in charge of this work proceeds it improve and optimize its aspects, such as loading time, the format of the URLs, or the content itself.
  • It’s essential to identify the engine from the google study and examined different analyzed to know the sites on the Net and order them in the results of their searches.
  • And website administrators’ objective is for the sites to appear in the first places of said ranking made by the search engine.
  • Therefore, the SEO process consists of studying the ordering variables and respecting them in the sites’ programming and design (for example, including keywords in the content, adding links, etc.
  • As we take declared previously, there are many and varied factors taken into account by any search engine to proceed with results; however, among the most important.

There are two fundamentally

  • Connection or relevance of the established search the page in question. In this sense, among other things. It will assess the number of times that the term you are looking for appears within it.
  • The website’s popularity is that it believed that the better known it is, the more quality content it will offer.
  • As the processes used by search engines by studying sites keep changing, SEO standards also update over time and requirement site renewal.

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