How to Share Content on Social Networks? – 3 Best Practices for Share Content on Social Networks

Content Social networks is the standard in today’s marketing, and the brand must present on all of these sites.

And Content Social networks the question is how to promote content through this channel? Taking the excellent content and positioning strategy in these channels can make and break all our marketing efforts.

A good inbound marketing strategy generates organic traffic, that is, not paid, for the brand. According to HubSpot, 76% of users enter Facebook looking for content that interests them.

Therefore, it’s very likely that the first contact of the person with the company and its offers is Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

1. Be as Human as Possible

  • Many users can recognize when the content is automated and publish at this stage of the game.
  • Scheduling and automating content posting a couple of times a week is acceptable, but sharing updates in this way alone makes our social media profile look like the post feed.

2. Adapt our Posts to each Social Network

  • The appeal of our content grows when we take advantage of the “personality” of each social network.
  • The same user may visit our brand’s profiles on Facebook and Twitter and feel more comfortable in the latter.
  • That is why adapting our posts to the characteristics of each channel makes the difference that attracts the right audience.
  • And Facebook allows us to write more, but we must stand out from many posts on the user’s wall.
  • The trick appeals to curiosity to get attention. And it does not mean using hooks and clickbait (it’s very frowned upon).

3. Recycle Content with our Industry Trends

  • Recycling content based on news and trends in our industry is a great way to extend our content’s helpful life and relevance.
  • And a blog post is not news, so we can always return to the topic if the contingency warrants it.
  • And imagine that president trump proposes the new economic model for foreign trade.
  • Also, a large number of companies start looking for information to adapt and solve the unique needs
  • And it’s not only unattractive. It also wastes opportunities to connect with users because we did not click on our content.

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