5 Smart Ways to Use Your End-of-Year IR Budget

Budget – It’s fast approaching the “use it or lose it” months of your budget. Do you know how you’ll spend that extra cash?

Q4’s leftovers may be small compared to 2022’s total budget, but a little can go a long way to finishing the year strong and setting your investor relations strategy up for success in 2023.

If you aren’t sure of the best use of your end-of-year budget, here are five ways to improve your IR platform.

1. Upgrade CRM IR Platform

No successful IR strategy is complete without a CRM IR platform — so much so that you probably already have an app or two to help you connect with investors and track communications.

But if it’s been more than five years since your last upgrade, there’s a good chance outdated, siloed tech is standing in the way of your team.

With the holidays on their way, a busy season of outreach is in front of you and your team. Upgrading your CRM IR platform to the latest, all-in-one app will streamline this seasonal engagement, making it easier to organize, monitor, and analyze your end-of-year CRM strategy.

2. Adopt Engagement Analytics

Between your company’s valuation, stock performance, and investor activity across your entire digital footprint, there’s a lot of data to crunch nowadays. It isn’t always easy to pinpoint which engagements are important for your IR strategy.

Engagement analytics is one of the newest tools for the modern IRO overwhelmed by their digital IR intelligence. It pulls data from every interaction across your IR strategy and consolidates it into one platform. Better yet, it relies on powerful AI and machine learning to analyze and visualize this data so that your team can make informed, proactive decisions that drive success.

3. Speak with an ESG Consultant

ESG assets have seen impressive growth all throughout the pandemic, and they continue to fair well, even as the market hits choppy waters today. However, it’s harder than ever to earn your stripes as an ESG fund now that the SEC is tightening ESG reporting rules.

With the SEC’s disclosure requirement all but law at this point, it’s important you speak with an ESG consultant about how you can best showcase your strategy while maintaining strict compliance. With the right consultant, you can publish assessments, reports, and disclosures on your dedicated ESG website.

4. Invest in Your IR Website

On the topic of websites, your IR site is the most important touchstone for your investor relations platform. It’s the first and most trusted source of information about your brand and hosts impressive engagement metrics that drive your strategy.

Your website does a lot of heavy lifting for your IR strategy. To make sure it’s up to the job, speak with a consulting firm about updating your site and its content.

5. Upgrade Your Webcasting Setup

It’s too early to think about corporate access events after the pandemic. COVID-19 still impacts your event schedule, even as most restrictions on gatherings and travel have lifted.

While some companies have embraced a full return to in-person AGMs, others have kept their corporate access events digital. More still have adopted a hybrid model that allows a small group of people to meet under one roof while the majority of people tune in to a webcast.

Upgrading your webcasting setup can ensure your team is ready for another year of digital or hybrid events. The top webcasting professionals can provide tips for running a hybrid investor event, too.

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