What is the Website Content Audit? – Purpose, Conduct, and More

The website content audit is the process that includes looking at all the content (data) in the website and the marketing funnel.

And it’s determining the strong and weak points of it to maximize the marketing activities. And its process is sometimes confused with the content inventory.

It’s just the list of all items on our website. When done effectively, a great content audit will help answer questions about which parts of the site an audience likes more and dislikes.

It gives clear insight into potential issues that must fix to enhance the productivity of our website.

Why is the Purpose of the Website Content Audit?

  • There are several reasons we want to conduct the website content audit, but usually, there are two main ones. SEO and Content Marketing.

1. SEO

  • When the website content audit complete for SEO purposes, the process helps understand the weaknesses of the site’s SEO.
  • And it’s dividing the different content into different categories associated with the site and using metrics, and we can understand what updates the site needs to enhance its SEO performance.

2. Content Marketing

  • The content marketer can use the content audit to understand how the website audience accepts the content. And what changes in content types and delivery must complete improving the site’s performance better.

How to Conduct the Website Content Audit?

1. Create the Spreadsheet Consisting of all the content assets

  • Before doing the content audit, we must find the content we want to audit. There are two options: manually searching through the site for URLs and using the tool to compile our content inventory.
  • It combines all of us URLs manually into the Excel and Google Doc spreadsheet can the very time-consuming project for the big website.
  • They are using DYNO Mapper’s content analysis tool because it can automate the entire process of compiling our content inventory.

2. Please find all the Asset Data, and it depends on the Objectives of the Content Audit

  • Now we use the columns we left in step #1. Find the data points of the pages and the site and paste them into our Excel. And Google Doc spreadsheet and open up DYNO Mapper after crawling our website.

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