What is Marketing with Content Rules? – Definition, 11 Rules

Marketing with Content Rules Definition

Marketing with the content rules a lot of business books read like textbooks. And five sitting on the desk now waiting to reviews besides this one.

And a few of lengthy and to put down. Besides being chock full of “doable” advice, Content Rules is a business book that’s enjoyable to read. The hat tip earns the double entendre of the title to content as a high-impact marketing method.

But also through 11 rules shared in the book. Below it shares the titles of those rules and my perspective on what they mean.

1. Embrace Being a Publisher

  • If we want to get in the media, become the media, and the same logic holds with content marketing.
  • If we want to engage and inform with content, then start thinking like a publisher. The planning, logistics, creative process, and other things that go with the content and media business are essential.

2. Insight Inspires Originality

  • One-way communications without empathy with the customer’s needs are merely ineffective. And content marketing strategy is aligning the right business goals with those of your customers.
  • That means a keen understanding of key messages and your customers’ information needs where ever they may be in the buying and lifecycle.

3. Build Momentum

  • The alignment I just mentioned above means creating content with a purpose, with a particular objective in mind and desired outcome.
  • Don’t just inform readers, and please give them a natural progression of what to do next. Inspire them to take action.

4. Speak Human

  • When it connects with customers, it’s through relevant, timely, and digestible information in the same ways.
  • And SEO professionals optimize content based on keywords most important to customers than company executives. Must the content marketer empathize with their customer’s language?

5. Reimagine

  • They are repurposing content to get another copy out, not nearly as valuable for objectives as planning the reuse of content from the start.

6. Share or solve, don’t shill

  • Content that helps customers see how the products or services solve real problems will reinforce credibility for the solutions you offer – without selling.

7. The show, don’t just tell

  • 7. Some of the most effective content marketing focuses on education and helping customers visualize solutions involving your products or services in the context of their lives.

8. Do Something Unexpected

  • The rise of content marketing means many other companies will be reading this book and doing very similar things. Be different, be creative, and think of unique ways to communicate your message and add value.

9. Stoke the Campfire

  • Content that inspires conversation between brand and customer is excellent. Brands inspiring conversation between their customers is even better.

10. Create Wings and Roots

  • Ground your content with critical points of view and at the same time encourage its reach into the social sphere.
  • Its extending reach into social discussions can reveal even more content creation opportunities that will best resonate with customers.

11. Play to your Strengths

Focus on the channels and messages that are true to your brand and the customers you’re trying to reach.

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