Why Businesses Need Timly for IT Asset Management

Timly – Managing your company’s IT assets can be challenging if you have multiple devices, machines, tools, or other equipment. Besides tracking your inventory, you must ensure software license compliance, monitor usage and performance, and maintain and optimize your assets.

Managing IT assets becomes even more complicated if you have no transparent view of all devices. That’s where software for efficient IT asset management (ITAM) comes into play.

Timly can help you streamline asset lifecycle management, including maintenance, inspections, software licenses, integrations, costs, security, and employee certifications. You can even track defects and deficiencies and connect to external service providers for automated IT asset maintenance management.

Before discovering how this asset management software can improve your ITAM process, let’s see what challenges companies face in this field.

IT asset management challenges

Many construction companies, trade and service businesses, public administrators, and manufacturers still rely on spreadsheets when managing IT assets. Besides being outdated and time-consuming, they leave much room for human error.

They make your ITAM process inefficient, negatively impacting your company’s success. For instance, inventory may fail at short notice or pose security risks, causing business interruption and increasing unnecessary costs.

Spreadsheets make asset lifecycle management cumbersome, increasing administrative efforts and reducing clarity.

Do you have an insight into all the IT equipment your company has? Do you know where it is, in what condition, and who uses it? Which of your devices sit idly, increasing unnecessary maintenance costs and software license renewals?

What is your inventory currently worth? What inspection dates are coming up?

What about safety, functionality, and compliance? Who has permission to use specific assets? Is your sensitive data at risk?

Finding answers to these questions is tricky if you rely on outdated asset tracking and management methods and tools.

ITAM software like Timly can streamline your digital tool tracking and asset management process. You can overcome all the challenges and manage your asset lifecycle with maximum visibility, control, efficiency, and productivity.

Benefits of IT asset Management Software

Benefits of IT asset management software

ITAM software helps track and optimize assets across ITIL (IT Infrastructure Library) lifecycle stages, including IT service management (ITSM), service desk, and problem management.

Here are its most significant benefits.

A holistic view of IT assets

IT asset management software lets you optimize your assets’ lifecycle management, from planning, acquisition, and deployment to maintenance and retirement. It gives you a 360° view of all your hardware and software, including tools, devices, machines, apps, equipment, and vehicles.

It gathers all asset data in one centralized place, helping you manage inventory maintenance, repair, inspections, software license renewals, and other documentation. It streamlines your ITSM process and ITAM efforts for maximum control and efficiency.

Cost-effective asset management

Asset management solutions help you understand who uses your IT assets and how. It also gives insight into the technologies your employees don’t use, enabling you to eliminate unnecessary purchases and license renewals.

That optimizes asset lifecycle management and cuts maintenance and support costs. Managing IT assets from a centralized repository also saves energy, helping you protect the environment.

Higher security

IT asset management software is ideal for enhancing security. Since you know what assets your employees use, you can set and manage user permissions.

You can restrict user access to protect sensitive business data and reduce risks.

Knowing which apps your employees don’t use enables you to remove unnecessary assets from your tech stack, further increasing security.

Better agility

Tracking asset usage is essential for making better business decisions. How does your company use your assets? Does using specific tools still make sense? What IT purchases will give you a competitive edge?

An asset management tool can help assess past purchases and deployments and understand how your company uses hardware and software. That can improve your strategic and operational decisions.

Maximum compliance

Using third-party software requires complying with license terms and conditions and meeting other legal requirements. Compliance is crucial to avoid hefty fines.

Many asset management solutions like Timly have integrated maintenance management software that reminds you of audits, contract deadlines, and software license renewal dates.

It also sends timely reminders for upcoming inspection dates for machines and other hardware equipment, automating your ITSM process.

Timly – the best asset management software for faster workflows

Free asset management and maintenance planning solutions make these processes inefficient and leave much to be desired regarding functionality. They cause companies to lose money instead of supporting efficiency and growth.

The best way to streamline and accelerate workflows is to rely on a specialized paid solution like the Timly software.

Timly is IT asset management software for construction, trade, manufacturing, and service companies. It makes tracking hardware and software a breeze, providing insightful real-time asset data.

It’s a centralized hub from which your ITIL processes pull information, enabling seamless asset, incident, and problem management. It lets you track defects, deficiencies, performance, and usage to understand how to optimize and extend every asset’s life, reducing equipment failures and financial losses.

You can check the condition of your devices, machines, tools, vehicles, or equipment for seamless maintenance planning. You can store inspection records, invoices, instructions, deadlines, and maintenance and repair documentation.

This intuitive asset management tool lets you assign assets to employees and external service providers, record and track their real-time GPS location, and manage them across mobile devices.

It’s an all-in-one asset tracking and management solution for minimum risks and costs and maximum efficiency, productivity, and security.

Are you interested in enterprise asset management software?

Timly is the best asset management tool for streamlining workflows and enjoying maximum transparency and control. The features and benefits above speak for themselves, but you don’t have to trust us blindly. Read Timly reviews to see what other users say about it and make an informed decision.

Do you want to see it in action before committing? Start a free, non-binding trial to determine if it suits your needs and understand why this proven software for efficient IT asset management is all the rage.

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