What Mistakes to Avoid in Content Marketing? – 5 Mistakes to Avoid in Content Marketing

Here 5 Mistakes to Avoid in Content Marketing

1. Lack of the Clear Strategy and Action Plan

  • Statistics from mistakes to avoid in content Marketing Institute reveal one of the most problematic content marketing errors: 94% of B2B marketers carry out content marketing, but only 32% carry out the documented strategy.
  • The benefits of content marketing are countless, as long as the strategy appropriate to the needs and available resources develop.
  • Before creating, it’s essential to determine aspects such as the objectives to achieve the content.
  • Who are our buyer personas, the editorial calendar to follow, the promotion channels to use, and the work team in charge?

2. Please do not start with the Deep Investigation of our Target

  • Do we know what your potential client likes or prefers? In most cases, the answer is No.
  • But if our content is not focused on our target audience, failure is imminent clear about it.
  • We must ask ourselves questions like this:
  • What do we like, what worries us, what are our problems?
  • What are our interests, and where it usually documented?
  • Where can we find it? What time does it connect?
  • The more details of our potential buyer we take, the better the content we generate focus.
  • And we also know where and how to distribute it. In this way, And also we create relevant content.
  • Which it’s essential for an excellent user experience. If potential customers come to our website
    with certain expectations and deviate from that ideal, we lose our audience.

3. Publish in the Single Format

  • Content marketing is about writing blog posts, and there are different ways to express the messages.
  • We want to transmit. For this, we take advantage of the different resources offered by the web.
  • And infographics, videos, texts, audios, podcasts, gifs. And these are just some of the available options.
  • Also play with them so that our audience identifies the dynamism of the brand.
  • Also, combining the different formats get the audience out of boredom.
  • It specifies in the content strategy in which format we are going to publish each topic. And also make it easier to identify if monotony is invading our content.

4. Focus Solely on SEO

  • Don’t doubt for the second that we write for people, not for Google.
  • But we must indeed facilitate the path to our content for readers.
  • For this reason, it’s an excellent idea that optimization of content for SEO considers in our content plan.
  • Because if we create content using keywords and complying with specific rules dictated by Google.
  • We make it easier for our target to find us.
  • However, do not focus solely on SEO and fill our content with too many keywords; quality must remain the priority.
  • And focus on our users and on creating pieces of different, unique content that attract our readers.

5. Do not Measure and Analyze the Results

  • Leaving evaluation aside is not a good idea.
  • And this practice allows us to reinforce actions that take had good results and discard those that were of no use.
  • And content marketing is not about creating and publishing like non-stop machines.
  • Also, take the time to assess the numbers and adjust our strategy. Use measurement tools like SEO Ranking.
  • But keep in mind that results are not measured only by sales made.
  • Be interested in the leads obtained and how many times our publication has remain share, and we will soon see our profits increase. Try write business with non profit pricings.

Also Read: How to Develop the Digital Marketing Plan? – Plan, Points

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