What is the High-Level Marketing Plan? – 3 methods

High level marketing plan to narrow our target audience and guide all of our marketing efforts. And the high-level marketing plan is one method of documenting our general marketing strategies for the company.

And broad plan for our marketing efforts creates the top level of the project, with the additional specific marketing methods underneath.

1. Purpose

  • The purpose of the high-level plan breaks down our marketing goals and strategies into subcategories. And the program includes the high-level goals or categories where we focus our energy.
  • We then drill down further for each high-level goal to develop our plan using the high-level marketing plan.
  • We put into words exactly how we want to go about advertising and to get the word out about the company.
  • For example, we might want to increase our products’ brand awareness as part of our high-level marketing plan. Once established, we can decide exactly how we plan to achieve brand awareness.

2. Components

  • The marketing plan generally begins with an executive summary, which briefly states the program’s significant points.
  • And the situation analysis describes the needs and happenings within our business and with our customers to determine what must go into the high-level marketing plan.
  • And SWOT analysis helps us further narrow the options for our marketing plan by identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats from the customer’s perspective. The objectives or goals section is where we list our specific projects.

3. Additional Detail

  • Once the high-level marketing objectives are in place and we researched the feasibility, we can break the purposes down into further detail.
  • It involves creating specific action steps and activities that help us achieve higher-level goals.
  • For example, if one of our high-level goals is to establish a social media presence.
  • And the steps to get there might include customizing the Facebook page for our business, adding the blog to our website, increasing our followers, and interacting with followers on Facebook and Twitter sites.

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