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What are the Attributes of the Product and Service? – Examples of Attributes, Examples of Tangible

Attributes of the product and service

Attributes refer to the characteristics that define the service and product. They are the series of elements that influence the purchasing decisions of customers.

And consumers search for products through the natural and common language for them. Attributes define as tangible (physical) and intangible (non-physical).

And tangibles are characteristics such as size, color, smell, product packaging, product design, weighted, etc.

And intangible refers to things like price, quality, and aesthetics.

These various attributes of the product and service.

The buyer uses it to narrow the options to the products they are looking for and decides to meet their needs and wants.

What are the Examples of Attributes of the Product and Service?

What are the Examples of Tangible Attributes of the Product and service?

What are the Examples of Intangible Attributes of the Product and Service?

1. Quality

2. Marketing Strategies

3. Innovation

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