What is the Sales Funnel? – Definition, Examples, use

Sales Funnel Definition

With the various sales funnel software providers, we might be wondering what the sales funnel is?

Suppose we work in sales and marketing for the long. We know that leads can be at varying buyer process stages.

It depends on the complexity of our product and service, and it might take months to nurture and convert this lead into a customer.

If done right, then set up to streamline its process and hopefully give the user a better all-around buyer experience.

That ultimately guides them to what they were looking for, and viola, they make the purchase!…and even better, become a loyal customer.

Our sales funnel made up of series of steps that consist of various marketing assets, for example, social media campaigns, landing pages, and email.

And also it software can provide us with a complete view of our sales and marketing efforts and results at a glance.

What are Examples Sales Funnel?

  • A sales funnel for the entrepreneur offering online courses in marketing might look the bit like this:
  • User sees the ad on Facebook offering SEO tips with the call-to-action that states. And download the complete guide to SEO.
  • And the user-directed to the landing page can download the guide and opt-in to receive the entrepreneur’s emails.
  • The next day she receives a newsletter that contains a link to the courses offered.
  • The user signs up for one of the courses.
  • We continue to receive newsletters with discounts on course fees and sign up again.
  • These actions in the buyer’s journey tracked in the sales funnel software used by the entrepreneur, meaning that we can see which point users are dropping off and where they’re converting.

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When to use Sales Funnel Software?

  • If we start, then using sales funnel software might fit us as our upfront costs that kept to the minimum.
  • We won’t need to worry about hiring the web developer and signing up for the dozen tools.
  • However, we want to sure that the software we go for includes what we need.
  • For example, while some offer webinar hosting, others may not, if crucial, part of our business.
  • We want to find a provider that caters to our needs. If we already signed up for the number of tools.
  • We take to assess costs and if it’s worth taking out its service. While we can integrate to the software with other apps, this might impact the user experience and be more hassle for you.

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