What Predictions for Content Marketing in 2017? – Definition, 6 Predictions

Predictions for Content Marketing Definition

Predictions for content marketing is a boundless promotional tool for businesses, and it becomes one of the most trusted mediums by consumers.

Its remains found to outrank TV and radio ads, billboards, and magazine and newspaper ads in terms of trustworthiness.

It is why are many businesses are spending more on content marketing, and the trend looks set to continue for the simple reason that it works.

If you are not using content marketing yet to promote your business, 2017 is the perfect time to start. Here’s what needs to know for the coming year:

1. Video is king

  • The video exploded in 2016, and the following year presents the perfect opportunity for marketers and businesses to catch up with this trend.
  • And video remains popular for a while now, but social media has helped make it even more significant.
  • Most of the more extensive social networks are now incorporate video elements, but Facebook takes it to the next level.
  • And all of the advertising Facebook’s remains doing recently on this front will only help grow this trend. Snapchat as well has seen immense popularity this year, along with Instagram videos.
  • It also videos drive more engagement than other forms of content and more sales. Studies found that view videos are 1.81X more likely to buy than those who don’t – even having “video.”
  • The subject line of your emails shows massively to improve open rates. In the coming year, they most likely are seeing even more businesses experimenting with video.
  • Therefore it perfects time to start thinking about the videos you can produce in 2017 to drive more engagement and make more conversions and sales.

2. Other forms of Visual Content

  • Although the video is viral right now, other visual content forms still perform at very high rates.
  • And images, infographics, and slide presentations are all still trendy and can help drive more engagement and conversions for your business.
  • And also, consumers want more than just text-only content. Search engines are again finding better ways of indexing visual content, which means it can also help with search engine optimization.

3. Interactive Content

  • Interactive content will see a significant rise in the coming year. People like are more involved, and interactive content provides that opportunity.
  • One of the biggest goals of a content marketer is to drive as much engagement as possible and interactive content. And interactive content is also much less used than other forms of content, so it can help you stand out.
  • It also interactive content appeals to users on a different level since they get to be a part of it as active participants and not just consumers.

4. Evergreen Content

  • Sometimes, it needs to focus on the practical as well. Evergreen content continues to be important in 2017, as it not only provides value to your audience.
  • But it also generates more longer-lasting results. It’s a win-win situation for everyone involved.

5. Influencer Marketing

  • Influencer marketing is another area that continues to grow in the coming year. And through influencers, content marketers can reach a much larger audience.
  • It also helps increases the value of each influencer, as well as credibility. In 2017, make sure to identify the relevant influencers in your niche and build relationships with them.

6. The importance of Mobile Device Optimization

  • The number of people who are using mobile devices to check social media and consume content is overgrowing.
  • As an example, mobile video plays went up 844% in 2012 in 2015. In the circumstance, between 2014 and 2015 alone, that number grew 74%.
  • And it’s not just videos that grow in popularity on mobile, but all kinds of content. People their phones and tablets with them everywhere they go, and they have the Internet.
  • And they also a lot of time that they need to fill up while they’re in transit. They’re looking to consume content.

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