What is Content Syndication? – Definition, Impact, Best Practices

Definition of Content Syndication

Content syndication is the method of republishing existing content on other websites to reach a broader audience.

However, we focus on text-based content in this discussion of how content syndication affects SEO.

Any digital content can syndicate, including infographics and videos, according to Search Engine Journal.

And syndicate content may involve content published in its entirety, articles edited and shortened, or excerpts of the article.

Content syndication benefits both parties: the website where its Syndicate gets fresh content.

And while the person brand behind the original content gets exposure to the new audience.

All that said, content syndication did not include the best strategy to gain referral traffic.

It outranks our original article. But before drawing the hasty conclusion about it.

Let’s take the extra profound look at the implications of content syndication for SEO.

What Does Content Syndication Impact SEO?

  • Since its relating to duplicate content, let’s defer to what Google says on the topic:
  • And “Syndicate carefully. If we syndicate our content on other sites, Google will always show the version we think is most appropriate for users in each given search.
  • However, help to ensure that each site on which our content syndicated includes the link back to our original article.”
  • And Google admits that 30% of the content is duplicate content, but they did not penalize it unless complete with malicious intent.
  • They explain, “Duplicate content on the site is not grounds for action on that site unless.
  • It appears that intent of the duplicate content is deceptive and manipulates search engine results.”

What Content Syndication Best Practices?

  • Now that we understand the answer to the question, “What content syndication?” and its potential impact on SEO.

1. Do not Give the Other Website All the (SEO) Credit

  • As mention, one significant SEO risk with it. And its the possibility that another website rank higher and credit for our work.
  • To mend this, Elegant Themes suggests taking the agreement with the website.
  • We can also incorporate the No Index tag it prevents syndicated content from being indexed, it begins.

2. Find the Right Publishing Partner

  • If we are the author looking for a larger audience, the essential first step is to find the ideal outlet to publish our content.
  • And theme Circle offers a sortable list of over 5000+ outlets looking for guest blog posts.
  • And make sure that we are transparent in our pitch that we are specifically looking for this partnership.
  • Keep our expectations in line: if we are the new brand, expect to start small and build our way up the ranks.

Also Read: What is the High-Level Marketing Plan? – 3 methods

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